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Where’s My Cover, Rogue Leader? Rogue Squadron Launches On Steam

Looking back literally eighteen years ago feels like I’m stepping back in time, a time where I used to dream about flying X-wings against the Empire. We were kids, a time where we would dream that we were the hero of the Rebel Alliance, Battling The evil Galactic Empire in space, heck even locked in glorious battle on Sullust, Corellia and even Hoth.

Back in the day Rouge Squadron allowed us to live this wild dream, and alright guys I cannot contain my excitement my heart can only handle so much. Rouge Squadron 3D has officially released on steam.

For the value price of $10.99 you can relive this beloved classic, for me this is what started my passion for flying. To this day I still play Rouge Squadron on the N64.
I can’t even wait to rejump into this game on PC.

DeathStar trench run I’ll be seeing you this weekend!

Steve Noel is a Senior Editor for, Team lead for Streaming & Video Content & Producer of the Level One Scrubs TalkShow.
When he’s not working behind the desk you’ll find him spending time with his cat “Jeff Bridges”

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