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This Week’s New Releases

Wofenstein: The Old Blood

My fellow gamers! It’s my pleasure to announce to you some of the many exciting new releases coming this week! There are Lot’s of exciting games dropping some fire and getting us all excited here at AYB, here are some you need to look out for

May 5th

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood if you’ve played the New order, you’ll definitely want to get your hands on this, the standalone prequel to the critically-acclaimed FPS Wolfenstein: The New Order. The game starts you off in 1946 and of course those Nazis are on the brink of winning WW II. The game again follows hero B.J Blazkowicz in a two part epic journey. The Old Blood & The Dark Secrets of Helga Von Schabbs. For $24.99 CDN that’s cheaper than some games season pass! I personally will be checking this out, I was a huge fan of The New Order and can only imagine the game play improvements brought to this title!

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY Edition: If you haven’t had a chance to check this amazing game out, now is the time. You basically adventure through Mordor killing hoards of Orcs, Uruk Hai and many other beasts of the shadow. Think of it as Assassins Creed meets Lord of the rings, oh wait it basically is as the game runs off the Assassins creed II engine. This is not a bad thing, the gameplay is familiar and easy to get into because of this! The game of the year edition comes with all this years DLC and is well worth the price!

Warhammer 40,000: Regicide Will be going live as an early access title today, from what I was able to gather think of it as Chess with brutal gameplay, graphics all from the Warhammer 40K universe.

May 6th

Project Cars If you like to go fast this game is for you, prepare you body as you jump into the ultimate driving journey. Project Cars represents the ultimate driving experience with their franchise mode, allowing you to carve your own personalized career in karting and eventually progressing to whichever Motorsport tickles your fancy (Rally, Touring, Open- Wheel, GT and many more) Players can, as well, dive into professionally racing with Co-op mode and create, manage a full team and launch head to head challenges. There will also be user generated content which will allow you to take full advantage of the advanced graphics and physics model to design your car, your way

Orion, AYB Field Correspondent Lover of cats, has a high gluten tolerance and enjoys a firm handshake, trust us when we say his opinions are his own

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