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The Weekly Nerd Review – 02

It’s time for your weekly update ladies and gents, lets get it crackin. I found some Goodies for you.

The Last Witch Hunter.

At first look, it is a modern take on the occult slaying business. This may just be a teaser, but it’s Vin Diesel in a role not defined by cars. I loved him in Riddick, which is equally as tense and adrenaline inducing, though the man can act if given the chance (A Man Apart is a great example). I hope this role is more to the latter side of things as he could definitely pull it off.

Absolutely Anything

This is a Sci-Fi Comedy starring Simon Pegg. The trailer looks good, it will be interesting. Seems like a Sci-Fi …..Bruce Almighty. It looks like it’ll be worth a laugh. Simon Pegg has done some good work with sci-fi comedies. If this follows on the heels of Worlds End, I’ll be happy with it.

I missed this in last week’s post, however I do need to include it now. Daredevil was confirmed for a second season by Netflix. The first thing that we need to ask is simple. What are we going to see in Season 2? Elecktra? BULLSEYE? Maybe, just maybe…. we can have The Punisher. Dear lord I pray for The Punisher.

On the lines of The Punisher, one of my current favorite actors has pronounced to the world that he wants to be The Punisher for Marvel. Who is that, you ask? None other than the most awesome Tom Hardy. Yes, dear lord yes. Please make this happen. Someone get me some time with black candles, a desecrated knife, and some random book of spells; I will start sacrificing Nerds to the Mighty Fiege to make this happen.


Avengers: Age of Ultron

I loved this movie. The fact that they managed some further character development of the members that don’t have their own series (Black Widow, Hulk, and Hawkeye) made me happy. yes, the plot devices were simple and predictable. Yes, the story followed basic formula both part 2 of a trilogy and standard comic book hero kind of things, but it was great.

Joss Whedon took some flak about the Romanoff/Banner love story arc, especially for her side of it. Some people even went as far as issuing death threats on social media. I personally don’t see any issues with the plot devices, and Mark Ruffalo came to his defense during a recent Reddit AMA and on Twitter. Though, it seems that Joss has had enough of social media for now (understandably), closing all of his accounts. Whedon has cited that he needs to take the time to work on his next project.

Suicide Squad

David Ayer and cast have been busy at work on set working on Suicide Squad. Set for release next year, the shoot is currently in full swing to give enough time for post-production. There have been a few pictures released on social media and through news sites. I managed to snag a couple. I have spoken at length with some fans of both the Bat-verse and DC in general. Most like the shots, some are not so happy about the hyper sexualization of Harley. Quite often in the comics and movies (at least until very recently) Harley was not over sexualized at all, to the contrary she is normally very covered up. Yes, her costumes were tight and drawn like standard comic book characters, but she was wearing more clothing.

They could have scaled UP her costume and made it still sexy, just less revealing. I don’t know, maybe pants could work? She does look like she is essentially wearing 2 tone underwear in the released photos.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2

I was a fan of the first movie, I went in to it with nearly a completely blank slate. I wanted only one thing from the Turtles I loved as a child, and that was the personalities of the 4. On that front they did me proud. So, I am glad that they are making a second, if only for me to see the personalities again.

Michael Bay tweeted an on set picture of Stephen Amell as Casey Jones and I think it looks great. I hope they go with something in between the off the wall crazy version that was in the original storylines and the happier versions you have seen on screen. Here’s the Shot.


I’m going to move from TV and movies now and on to some other things I encountered this week. Firstly, I was perusing the tubes and came across this. The nearly perfect nerd apartment, I would like some variety in my nerdity scattered about. But this apartment is glorious.

Are you nerdy enough to have a Nintendo end table? Of course you are! Well, I happen to spend a lot of time watching woodworking videos (another time consuming and expensive hobby of mine) and I came across this video, now he is a bit long winded at first, however he does break down all of the steps on how to make a small (3”X3”) logo.

Naturally, I thought that someone must have made a bigger one and VOILA!! End table.

I will close out this week by sharing a kickstarter. This one I want everyone to really pay attention to. A local guy named Trevor is developing a tabletop card style game about farming. I have had a chance to talk to Trevor at a few different events and he is a great guy. The game is fun and I hope for all the best with this edition of his kickstarter. Give it a look. If nothing else, support local.

David Alberto is a Contributing Editor for You can often find him making people cry in Counter-Strike. Roll percentile dice to see if his opinions change, your chances are slim.

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