Archive News

The Weekly Nerd 23

Since I’m not allowed to quote Ms. Black anymore, have yourselves a little Sugar. “It was twelve o’clock one Friday night, I was rocking to the beat and feeling all right. Everybody was dancing on the floor, doing all the things they never did before.”

Now, trailers.

Im not normally a fan of horror flicks, and to be honest I likely won’t see this in the theatre. But I will definitely check it out on demand once it drops. I really enjoy Natalie Dormer’s performances in most of her roles, and have been following her since her appearance on The Tudors.

The original X-Files never piqued my interest. For some reason I could never get in to the Mulder/Scully drama, and the conspiracy aspect didn’t really grab me. However, I will say that this trailer is quite well-produced. Designed to create some drama for old fans and hopefully draw in some new ones. I may give this a shot, no promises.

There were a few tidbits this week, let’s dive in.


HBO has confirmed that preliminary talks have occurred to convert the Alan Moore serial Watchmen to a television series. Zach Snyder, who bought the 2009 film to life, has been meeting with HBO in regards to the series. No details have been released as to the story or place in the Watchmen timeline this will take place (whether it’s Watchmen or Minutemen). I think this is a smart move, both on the part of DC and HBO, being able to create a grittier version of the property in the same vein that Marvel has taken with its Netflix Original Properties.


Continuing on the train of announcements, Amazon Prime TV has locked down a Jack Ryan TV series. Once again, this is newly announced and there have been no major details other than Amazon promising “a contemporary new take” on the Tom Clancy series that has been developed into many different incarnations.


Moving on to more comic book movie news, Anna Paquin will not appear as Rogue in the upcoming Gambit movie. She had received several queries via multiple social media outlets, and her Twitter response to the queries was a stout and simple “no”. With the rebirth of the X-Men franchise, is it possible that we will see a new casting of Rogue for the new generation?


Limbo continues for the Teen Titans series that has been licensed to TNT. The show is apparently still in development, but there have been no forward steps in terms of story or casting. So, (IMO) “still in development” means “we might be making it but still don’t know when”. It’s sad, because I was really looking forward to seeing a live action take on the Titans. I’ll just stick with Legends of Tomorrow for now I guess.


As we reported previously, Trainspotting 2 is teetering on the edge of production. Well, we now have a date. TS2 will film next spring (May/June) and is targeted for release to theatres in the back half of 2016.


A few weeks ago we reported that Marvel was shopping around to cast their Captain Marvel / Carol Danvers. In an interview with MTV, Kevin Feige has reported that there will not be a casting announcement for the role anytime before Christmas. We can, however, expect multiple casting announcements for Doctor Strange and Guardians 2 before the end of the year.

Lastly, we have a couple bits of Star Wars news.


Sara Michelle Gellar has finally released the details on her role in Star Wars Rebels. No, she will NOT be voicing Leia, as some people speculated. She will be voicing the primary antagonist for the season. The seventh Sister Inquisitor.

Lastly, we now have a defined difference between the “Star Wars Story / Anthology” and the traditional “Episode X” titles.

“The Saga films focus on the Skywalker family saga. The stories follow a linear narrative that connects to the previous six films. The Force Awakens follows Return of the Jedi and continues that generational story. The Anthology films offer opportunities to explore fresh characters, new storylines and a variety of genres inside the Star Wars universe.”

It makes sense to define the difference and allow the writers and fans threads to hold on to. For those fans that are only interested in following the main storyline based around the Skywalkers, it clarifies which movies they may or may not be interested in.

David Alberto is a Contributing Editor for You can often find him making people cry in Counter-Strike. Roll percentile dice to see if his opinions change, your chances are slim.

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