Archive News

The Weekly Nerd 30

Do you know how hard it was for me to peel away from Star Wars? DO YOU?!?!? Good. You better.

Why do I have to love this franchise so much? It’s just so cute! Flaws… Do I think that an entire Village of Pandashas the ability to do what Po does? No, but this may be the step to getting him to become the Sifu of that temple and unlocking some of the mysteries hidden by Oogway.

As promised!! Last week I said we would cover this trailer release so here we go. This is only a short teaser, which I am beginning to prefer. It shows quick clips of the lead cast and a basic introduction to what the hell is going on. I think that this has some potential. I will outright say that while I enjoyed the HP movies for what they were, I was NOT a big fan of them. This shows promise and I hope that they take the world into a slightly different direction. It looks like they may be developing more of the muggle world with this and I would like to see how the wizards really interact.

Lastly, here’s the first trailer for Star Trek Beyond. I’m not going to dive too deep here. It looks good, though the trailer is hyperpaced and it feels like they tried to cram so much into a short trailer. hmmm.

Alrighty, we are going to hop right in to news.


Matt K dropped a piece this week about the new Independence Day trailer. What you may have noticed in the trailer.. or rather didn’t notice… was Will Smith’s Col. Hiller. It looks like the movie runners did Smith a solid. We knew going in to this that Smith did not come back to do the sequel, but seeming as a nod to the character and likely to Smith, this bit was found on the website that launched with the trailer. The site itself is really well done and I enjoyed bombing around in it, there is a lots of information on the post ID4 world and how the original movie was really just the first battle. I highly suggest you take a look a it.

“While test piloting the ESD’s first alien hybrid fighter, an unknown malfunction causes the untimely death of Col. Hiller. Hiller’s valor in the War of ’96 made him a beloved global icon whose selfless assault against the alien mothership lead directly to the enemy’s defeat. He is survived by his wife Jasmine and son Dylan.”


Mark Wahlberg has confirmed to CinePop at the red carpet premier of his new film “Daddy’s Home” that he will be returning for Transformers 5. This next film is coming after what is believed to be a structural remapping of the entire movie franchise earlier this year. It is expected that this will be the last movie featuring Optimus Prime and that the torch will be handed off to Ultra Magnus.


Lastly, Mike Colter (Luke Cage) has spoken with Collider about the themes and differences between the current Netflix heroes (DD and JJ) and the upcoming Luke Cage series. When asked about how Cage will be different from the other shows, he had this to say

“I feel like they all have their own story and their own thing that they’re doing, and they’re not going to be compared to one another, except for the fact that they are in the same genre. Jessica’s storyline is so different from Daredevil’s storyline. Daredevil’s storyline is so different from mine. There’s a social aspect involved with Luke Cage, there is a criminal element involved, and there is a procedural element involvement.

We focus on a variety of different things. I think it will be a surprise. I don’t know if we’ll be taking things to the next level because Jessica did such a great job. I don’t know what to expect, as far as the response, but I know it’s going to be different.”

Maybe the Cage plot and story will be one that starts to bring a little bit of light into the very gritty world that netflix is developing. I am looking forward to the development of Iron Fist into that world, since he will likely just flick the switch and illuminate this very dark and dangerous edition of Hells Kitchen.

Now, It’s time for me to get back to Star Wars. I’ve got pondering and theorizing to do.

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