
The Weekly Nerd 12

It’s Friday, post-SDCC? You know that means we have some trailers for you, some breakdowns… and all the other goodness that came out this week!

Trailers…. Welcome to Comic Book Joy!

Fantastic Four

I have steadily been gaining excitement for this reboot, and this trailer was no different. You get to understand the boy genius Reed Richards a little bit, and see his friendship with Ben Grimm. You see the villain (we all knew it was going to be Doom anyway). I’m already booked in to a 7 PM showing on August 10th… Maybe I’ll stick around for a 10 PM showing…

Batman Vs. Superman

We have spoken about this movie previously on TWN. I am a fan of the darkness that Snyder is bringing to the DC universe. Lots of fans will argue with me and disagree on perspectives and I can definitely see where they are coming from, but I like the differences they are using in this universe.

There are some teasers in this trailer which make me hopeful for the future. There is development in regards to human interaction and belief with Supes, undoubtedly this would occur if a Man-God appeared out of nowhere in our world right now. It isn’t so far fetched. The future “hopes” I alluded to occur at 2:02 of the trailer. This also ties in (at least I believe it does) to the last scene of the Suicide Squad trailer. Yes folks that is a Robin outfit, this FEELS like a Jason Todd moment and it makes me wonderously happy that they are touching on it. Even if he doesn’t make the Batman stand-alone movie (which I think he will), just acknowledging that piece of Batman canon is a huge step for this franchise.


Suicide Squad

I’ve been excited for this movie since it was announced and they started rolling out the cast. Keep in mind, the Batman and Joker parts in this movie are going to be relatively small (presumably either at the very beginning or at the end after the main plotline is all but tied up) given the scene in the trailer, I hope it ties into the Batman movies going forward. This was a great trailer. It pieced together the cast, showing bits and pieces without giving away major story information. This is what a trailer should be.

Okay… we are going to move away from comic book movies, but there were 2 other trailers that I saw that you need to see as well.


This movie is inspired by the lives and stories of the Kray Brothers. English gangsters at a time when it was almost unheard of in England. Tom Hardy plays both lead roles. The movie looks like it is going to be amazing, I can’t wait to see it. :)


The newly imagined prequel telling the origin story of both Peter and James Hook. Hugh Jackman looks off the walls bananas in the trailer and I love the colors and vibrancy they are using in this film.

On to news…

One of the first science fiction films that I fell in love with was The Last Starfighter. There were rumors a couple of years ago that indicated a rebooted movie was coming out. I was overjoyed at the thought of seeing the Gunstar and Death Blossom in glorious HD. Well, for those of us that were waiting with bated breath, we need to wait no more. Though it won’t be in movie format, The Last Starfighter is being rebooted as a TV series. The series creator is working with VR company Surreal to push the boundaries on graphical development for the show. The show is going to focus on the frontier and law enforcement. We can hope to see the Gunstar in all of its glory, though.

Do you want to be in Star Trek? The crew tells you how to make your bucket list one item shorter.

Production photos have been released from the set of X-Men: Apocalypse. I can safely say that the internet’s response was a resounding “say what?” in regards to the images of Oscar Isaac in Apocalypse. This is a character that has always been portrayed in all mediums as over the top in size, imposing and intimidating. In the photos, he is… well he looks like a Power Rangers villian. The photo showing him with Storm and Psylocke makes me both happy and sad. I think there is a lighting issue with the shot, but the Storm/Psylocke costumes look great. I just can’t get over the Rangery goodness portrayed in the center of that image…


Disney has announced plans for 2 live action stories set from classic animated films. First up, Beauty and the Beast. This already has a cast and is in preproduction, set to be released March 2017. Disney will also be creating a movie called “Genies”, centered around the story of how Genie got trapped in that lamp. The current plan is for that to lead into a live action Aladdin remake.

The WB showed previews during SDCC of the Flash and the confirmed what I spoke of in speculation after the season finale. They have confirmed that they will have multiple speedsters in the mix. Wally West and Jay Garrick will have roles in the next season and the primary villain will be Zoom. They have yet to cast Wally West, but Jay Garrick is to be brought to life by Teddy Sears. Unfortunately, there has not been any information about Arrow other than the primary villain for next season, which was announced last week. The Arrow will finally get a costume upgrade, away from the simplistic pieces he has been wearing for the first 3 seasons. Amell’s Vigilante will finally sport a more armored, superhero-esque costume.


Legends of Tomorrow will be built organically through the first half of The Flash and Arrow, culminating in the annual team up/crossover episode. The pilot season of Legends will continue from there, finishing out through the spring. During the Comic Con panel they stated that they were going to bring Hawkman in to the mix at some point, I don’t know if that was a joke or not but it got the crowd screaming. No other official announcements have been released regarding this.

Heroes: Reborn finally got a full trailer during SDCC as well. Showing off a world in which humans have continued to evolve and how society is reacting to it. If this can capture the magic of the first season of Heroes, I will be forever grateful.

There was a lot of comic book stuff this week, and I hope that I didn’t miss too much of the other things. I will finish this week with Star Wars news from Comic Con. First… a Han Solo movie. This is an anthology movie and it looks to be paired with a Boba Fett movie, could this be the origins of the 2 or possibly a story piece about the 2 of them in between Episodes 6/7? who knows. All we know is that it’s coming after Episode 9, so be prepared for a wait. The leaked photo from Hall H also shows the Kenobi movie officially announced. There has been many a post indicating that Ewan McGregor wants to reprise the role and tell the story of Kenobi in between episodes 3 and 4.


Lastly, the video that was released during the panel. This has absolutely no relevance to the story or development of the canon in any way. What it did do, was show us how much care and love is going in to the making of this movie and that, my friends, is why it nearly had me in tears.

David Alberto is a Contributing Editor for You can often find him making people cry in Counter-Strike. Roll percentile dice to see if his opinions change, your chances are slim.

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