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The Weekly Nerd 08

Ladies and Gents. It’s friday. Time to force feed you some nerdy goodness.

I enjoyed the first couple of movies and the trailer has already given us some sweet sweet Gif Fodder.

I think it will be a fun piece to watch, and the bonus is that this trailer hasn’t revealed any enemies or major plot points. Sure, the Dad thing, but nothing outside of that and we have no clue what kind of bearing it will have on the plot.

This one made me giggle a ton. Not going to lie. I see so many of the pets that I know in the actions of just the ones in the trailer and I am sure there will be more. This is going to be fun.

The first trailer for Netflix’s original series based on the How to Train your Dragon series. It’s most definitely a fun trailer. Looks like they have the original voice cast from the movies on to keep continuity. I thouroughly enjoyed the movies and will likely put my netflix subscription to use once this series debuts.

Marvel Movie News announced today that the next (and last) Hugh Jackman led Wolverine movie will be based on the Millar/McNiven storyline about “Old Man Logan”. Now, I won’t even begin to blow smoke, I haven’t read that series. When I saw this post, I did what any nerd would do: I Googled it. The initial images of the story seem very post apocalyptic. Who knows how they will handle that. Perhaps I will pick up that series on comicology and see what the fuss is about. I snagged some images of the Old Man Logan story for you fine folks, Here they are:

San Diego Comic Con is rapidly approaching and we have some news about panels and appearances for studios at the event. Marvel, Sony and Paramount will be skipping the convention alltogether. This makes sense, since there is no footage or information that any of these studios want to release about anything that is upcoming. With the exception of Ant-Man, everything that Marvel has in the next year is still filming, and they are keeping all of it under pretty tight wraps. Sony doesn’t have any comic con fodder this year and paramount has just now started working on the Turtles movie and Star Trek 3.

So, you ask who will be there if all of these folks are skipping it? Disney has a Star Wars panel to discuss The Force Awakens and maybe some hints about Rogue One. Fox is doing X-Men related panels and There will be a panel dedicated to Batman V Superman and The Justice League. I would put money that there will be a new Star Wars trailer, as well as a full trailer for Batman V Superman.

Starz has officially greenlit a tv series adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s “American Gods” novel. This is something that is very early in the making, we have zero information other than Gaiman appears to be involved with the production in some way. We can hope they do the book justice.

My episode review of the Sense8 Pilot will need to wait until next week. I apologize for this but the world has a way of throwing things at you. I will do my review of the pilot and episode 2 on next week’s roundup.

Finally, This week’s kickstarter. Now, I didn’t acutally find this on kickstarter, it was linked to me through a strain of videos I was watching on youtube. This is really cool. A holotable for your house that you can use to both project images and content from smart devices or play built in games. It is also compatible with periperals like leap motion and 3d printing software to allow you to see your prints before they happen.

Not going to lie, this is really cool looking. Now… the piece is already funded, and I would like to say that I have the cash to fund it myself but I don’t. You can find the link to their kickstarter here if you are interested in backing it yourself:

Here are some videos about the Holus.

Kickstarter Trailer:

Information at CES 2015:

It’s hard to believe that I have been writing this column for 2 months already! Thanks to everyone that takes the time to read my ranting. If you have any ideas, or would like to see something covered on The Weekly Nerd, Please send me an email with the details at Please include the words “Nerd Stuff” in the subject line.

David Alberto is a Contributing Editor for You can often find him making people cry in Counter-Strike. Roll percentile dice to see if his opinions change, your chances are slim.

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