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Steam Store Briefly Taken Offline as Users Report Account Issues [UPDATED]


[18:45 CST Update] Steam Database has stated that it appears to have been a read-only caching issue and users may not have been able to affect changes to other’s accounts. Valve has yet to comment on the matter but the storefront appears to be back only and functioning.

[23:30 CST Update] 
The Steam store is back up and running, and Valve has released an official statement on the issue. Via PC Gamer:

Steam is back up and running without any known issue. As a result of a configuration change earlier today, a caching issue allowed some users to randomly see pages generated for other users for a period of less than an hour. This issue has since been resolved. We believe no unauthorized actions were allowed on accounts beyond the viewing of cached page information and no additional action is required by users.

Original story below.

Valve’s PC gaming storefront was briefly taken offline as customers report a range of issues such as being able to see other user’s account pages, seeing the storefront in admin mode, or viewing the store in admin mode. Thankfully initial comments from users suggesting this was a hack appear to be unfounded as DOTA 2 artist Daniel Lucanu has tweeted that this may be due to a caching problem which Steam Database (not affiliated with Valve) also suggested.

However the caching problem has seemed to cause at least one financial institution to take measures. RBC Securities confirmed with an AYB staffer that they have cancelled their card and may also be cancelling other cards with Steam purchases made today as a preventative measure.

No official comment from Valve is available at the time of this article’s writing but we will update when more information is available. Until then we recommend staying away from the storefront until there is official comment on the situation.

Matt Kondracki is the Senior News Editor for 

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