Archive eSports News

Replay Friday — Outplay & The Level One Scrubs Talk Shows

Alright you Cadillac cruisers, it’s Friday and what a better way to catch up than to check out this week’s replays!

This week we bring you another solid episode from JonnyeSports and Globas with Outplay eSports podcast where they discussed why the “old LCS” is alive as they discuss the LCS playoffs so far and as well as they try to predict the semi-finals.

And from the team over at Level One Scrubs we got the latest in what’s happening this week in gaming, so here is this week’s replay of Outplay eSports and The Level One Scrubs.




Level One Scrubs

Steve Noel is a Senior Editor for, Team lead for Streaming & Video Content & Producer of the Level One Scrubs TalkShow.
When he’s not working behind the desk you’ll find him spending time with his cat “Jeff Bridges”

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