
Pick Up Your Flaming Paddle, It’s Time to Head Back to Banoi

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Way back in 2011 I was introduced to Deep Silver‘s very beautiful and emotional trailer to Dead Island; it was and still is in my books the best video game trailer I have ever had seen; I would extensively study it, trying to find all the little details in the trailer to hype myself up for the game. When it finally released and I had my hands on a machete, I wasn’t disappointed; and now the blood soaked sands of Banoi are back in Dead Island: Definitive Collection.

Dead island to me had all the factors of a zombie FPS that I wanted; free roaming in a beautiful island, ridiculous crafting, characters with unique skills and personality, but most of all gore and plenty of it. I can finally re-live the bloody good time I had whacking away with sledge hammers and throwing electric throwing stars to an enraged giant zombie in glorious enhanced graphics. The Definitive Collection (now available on PC, XBOX One, and PS4) includes Dead Island: Definitive Edition, Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition, and Dead Island Retro Revenge all in one collection ($44.95 CAD) so you can binge your way through hoards of zombies back to back. Each piece can also be acquired separately for only $21.99 (CAD).





Those of you who picked up the original version of the game on PC, there is an upgrade offer to the Definitive Edition for only a few dollars. So why settle for game-play flashbacks as you serenade yourself with the amazing tribute to the original trailer, when you can come back to the beautiful nightmare of the zombie infested beaches of Banoi; right now.

Kelvin M. is a content contributor who still giggles when he hears the name Sinamoi.

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