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Oculus Rift Has A Launch Window!

Oculus Rift

For the first time ever, Oculus VR has finally announced a launch window for their highly anticipated VR headset. It’s coming soon but maybe not soon enough.

This morning, Oculus VR posted on their official blog that the Rift will be shipping in Q1 2016. Along with the launch window, they also included the first few images of the retail version of the headset. Not very good ones mind you. The device is black, yet the images are set to a black backdrop. We’ll be getting better images soon I’m sure, as the company has stated they will be revealing all sorts of details in the coming weeks.

Oculus Rift

We should see details about the hardware, especially since it was mentioned the consumer version has been designed with sitting and standing experiences in mind, and also stated there will be details about input coming. Could it be that Oculus has a similar configuration as HTC’s Vive in mind?

Oculus Rift

With E3 just over a month away, we’re sure to see many wonderful games and experiences shown to the world very soon.

Source: Oculus Blog

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