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Norse’s IPViking Live Will Have You Reinstalling Defcon In No Time

Seriously. Right-click > Install Game as soon as I get home.


Norse’s IPViking Live tracks DDoS attacks from botnets and displays them in real-time. The effect is hypnotic — soothing and worrisome at the same time.

The website can be found here:

From the About section on the page:

The attacks shown are based on a small subset of live flows against the Norse honeypot infrastructure, representing actual worldwide cyber attacks by bad actors. At a glance, one can see which countries are aggressors or targets at the moment, using which type of attacks (services-ports).

It looks like it’s primarily an advertisement for Norse’s other products, but it’s still incredibly cool to see. And I’m definitely still reinstalling Defcona 2006 cult classic from Introversion that I can’t recommend enough — when I get home.

Happy… worrying?

Jesse Mackenzie is the Managing Editor for He often writes while listening to the gentle hum of Star Trek engine cores. He can be reached at, and his opinions are his own.

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