Archive News

New Releases: What’s Old Is New Again

Hi guys, Gavin here again with the upcoming games you need to know about. This week we’ve got Need For Speed, Pokken Tournament, and Day of the Tentacle: Remastered. Let’s dive right in with Need For Speed.

Need For Speed: The storied racing series Need For Speed is getting a another shot a redemption on March 17th with the reboot coming out for PC, Xbox One and PS4. The game currently touts an open world, car customization, and of all the things to brag about in a racing game: narrative. If you’re still willing to give the series another chance to reclaim former glory, keep this one on your radar. I’ve attached a trailer below for the curious.


Pokken Tournament:The strange combination of ever-popular Tekken fighting games and the universally recognized Pokémon brand is finally releasing on March 18th for the WiiI.  If you’re a fan of Tekken — or just really want to let Lucario know what you thought of him in Smash Bros. — this is a release for you. Previews of the game are already out on YouTube, so I’ve attached one below.

Day of the Tentacle: Remastered: The classic LucasArts game returns in its remastered release on March 22nd for PC, Mac, and Linux. The game is considered an iconic product of the golden age of LucasArts and the point and click genre, so if you’ve gotten nostalgic for point and click games of old this release should really be on your calendar. I’ve attached the trailer below for those of you not already familiar with the game.

Anyways that’s it for today I’ll be seeing you guys next week but in the meantime: what games do you wish were getting remade? Let me know in the comments below.

Gavin Bouchard is a Twitch streamer and a Contributor for; you can find his Twitch here and his terrible Twitter here.

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