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New Releases ULTRA DLC Edition — Week of June 22nd

Alright Cadillac Cruisers, it is I, Orion, your guide to everything new and exciting coming to you this week in the PC gaming world. It seems this week we face ‘Week of the DLC Madness’ train. I won’t get started here, but if you want my two cents on DLC/season passes, you can check that out right here.

Anywho, back on track with this week’s edition of ‘Games You Should Probably Buy… Because They’re New’ , ft. FINAL FANTASY® XIV: Heavensward.

Now if you’re a fan of the MMO, the trailer alone would make anyone moist with excitement. With this expansion, players will get access to a new level cap of 60, some deadly flying mounts, a new playable race: “The Au Ra”, and the new city state of Heavensward, to name a few. If you choose to get the Collector’s Edition, prepare your body, as you’ll get the “Dark Knight Cecil-themed Baron helm” … I think that alone is worth the purchase price! HAVE YOU SEEN IT? We all know how much of a badass Cecil is, never mind his armour. Prepare your wallet for a June 23rd release!


Next up we have Toukiden: Kiwami, a co-op hunting/survival/anime game. You take on the role of a ‘slayer’ to battle the ‘Oni’, huge beasts set on the destruction of mankind. What we’ve seen from gameplay is over-the-top, beat-’em-up, kill-giant-monsters action. Basically Asura’s Wrath meets Monster Hunter. However, what sets it apart is you’ll need to band together to defeat the Oni and save the world from these evil spirits. Anyone into mythology, anime, or just killing big things… this title might be right up your alley.

And lastly we have Batman: Arkham Knight, seemingly the last in the series from RockSteady. RockSteady spared no expense in bringing players the ultimate Batman experience. In my own personal experience, the Batman series has never let me down, either with content, story or production. To say I’m not excited for this game would be a lie.

Batman: Arkham Knight offers players the most genuine Batman experience; they will have the ability to tear through the streets with the new Batmobile, or take to the skies gliding around in Batman’s usual fashion. In this grand finale, Batman faces the ultimate threat: Scarecrow returns to unite all the super criminals to destroy Batman forever. Expect nothing but a gong show, friends, as I expect RockSteady’s track record of excellent combat will continue in this title.

Some newly added features include city exploration (yes, you can check out all of Gotham), Most Wanted side missions, DRIVING THE BATMOBILE and new combat and gadget features.

The only apparent downside — and currently the thing that has me grinding my gears — is the cost:


Yeah… I’ll just leave that here. Regardless, this is one game you won’t want to miss this summer!

And that’s all for this week! Be sure to check in during the week as we have lots of deadly stuff coming down the pipes you’ll be sure to want to keep your ear to the ground for! So until then, Orion out!

Orion is AYB’s Field Correspondent. A lover of cats, buttons, and firm handshakes, his opinions are his own.

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