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Mother Russia Bleeds Punches Its Way to Release

Le Cartel and Devolver Digital have released the violent brawler Mother Russia Bleeds. It is currently available on PC, Mac and Linux with plans for a PlayStation 4 release later this year.

Did I mention it was violent? I’m sorry, I meant to say it is super violent. Mother Russia Bleeds also has quite a bit of style to it. While side-scrolling brawlers are nothing new to gaming, this title aims to set itself apart with its striking visuals and its unique setting.


The game takes place in an alternate version of the U.S.S.R. where players will have to fight against an oppressive criminal organization that as a group of street brawlers. Players will be able to utilize all manner of tools to lay the beat down on their opponents, including fire extinguishers, chainsaws, toilets and other people’s heads. It seems when you are as desperate as the fighters in this game, you use what you can get your hands on. Players can play the campaign on their own, or they can join three other friends to take on their opponents. Players will also be able to test their mettle in survival mode.

As I said previously, I am very curious about this game. It has a ton of style, but I hope it has some substance to it. I definitely would like to give it a try, regardless. The game is available for $14.99 for the standard version, and $24.99 for the dealer edition.

Nedu is a writer for AYBOnline. In Soviet Russia, article reads you. His views, as well as his use of tired memes, are his own.

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