Archive News

Mortal Kombat X Launch Party

I cannot thank the team over at Chip Damage enough for their hard work and dedication to the always growing fighting community, it was amazing to see gaming professionals from all styles of fighting games come together in unity for the love of the genre. Even more so, I had an amazing time talking to the group, it was amazing to hear the passion and drive these professionals have and display when it comes down to their game. When given the chance I talked to some members and why they joined and a lot of the senior members of why they continue to come out, the unanimous answer was community.


It doesn’t matter what walk of life you came from, who you are outside the arena, the group was one. This is why I love the gaming community here in Winnipeg, it’s a great feeling when we can unite for something we love. Games.


The event was solid. Aside from being utterly destroyed in some matches in MK X, I had a blast. I was able to see a match of the new character Erron Black with his deadly X-ray, I lost my literal shit.

Overall, the community brought upwards to 40-50 people into the side tournament room.

10904675_822205567865642_111708809_nThe event was hosted at Reset Interactive lounge, if you have not been here yet, stop reading, get your shoes on and go. I’m not a lo unge/bar going type, however Reset was able to change that for me, this place makes me want to go back, not only were the staff amazing but the food, please DO not get me started about their menu, it was next level.

The setup was deadly, any gamer could get lost in here for hours and never want to leave…I kinda didn’t want to.
Overall, the night was amazing I cannot wait to go back for another Chip Damage event as I know it will be nothing but great.

Until then I’ll see you online


Orion, AYB Field Correspondent Lover of cats, has a high gluten tolerance and enjoys a firm handshake, trust us when we say his opinions are his own

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