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Looking For A Group To Play Your Favorite Games With? GamerLink Aims To Help You Out.

Microsoft Word - GamerLink Inc Press Kit April 2016 Good.docx

Before April 2014 Deion Farrington and Ryan Figueiredo were getting frustrated finding teammates to group up with. They were either rude, uncommunicative, or just incompatible with what they were looking for. So they came up with an idea for an app that looks for groups to play with that would let users customize their search criteria for the kind of group they wanted to play with.

Just recently the company, GamerLink Inc. , moved out of Waterloo, Ontario, to London, Ontario back in January 2016 due to rapid expansion and a successful user acquisition campaign. The hard-working team of seven has been as passionate and dedicated to their work as much as they are about their video games. With this perfect storm came a product that is completely run by gamers, for gamers.

The GamerLink app was really quick to setup. All I needed to do was select the platform I play my games on and search what games I play, which leads to the dashboard to start searching recent beacons to group up with. The gamers can set tags for what they are looking for, like “experienced” or “casual”. So you can quickly party up with a group to finish that hard boss fight you can’t finish, or if you want to just hang out with a group and get a couple of missions done.

The GamerLink app is currently available for iOS and Android for free on the Google Play and App Stores. There are future plans to support Windows Phones and PC. You can find a link to the app and much more about GamerLink Inc. at Find me on the GamerLink app as dmans218. I am always looking to form a group of other gamers like myself, and now we have a new way to do so.

Damion “Dmans” Petriew is a Contributor for

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