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Local Devs Campfire Union Looking For VR And AR Testers

Campfire Union logo

And you get to hang out with Les Klassen’s hypnotizing, awe-inspiring beard!

Campfire Union logo

Per a release on their Facebook page, award-winning Winnipeg devs Campfire Union are working on Flipside, a “VR/AR performance platform” that needs a number of non-Campfire-Union-employed humans to put it through its paces.

They’ll contact you when there’s something new to test, you’ll swing by their offices in the Telegram Building in Winnipeg’s historic Exchange District, you’ll enter new worlds full of adventure and glory and joy for 30 minutes to an hour, there will be snacks. It’s a great time!

Sign-up is done through this Google Docs form — and if you’re concerned about disclosing personal information online, the only elements required are a name and an e-mail address.

And the beeeeaaaaarrrrrrrd~

Seriously, Les’s beard is incredible. One time, I saw it weave itself into a tapestry of the Last Supper.* Another time, it became a rotating planetarium, full of stars and light.** I was a changed man after that.

So go sign up! Adventure is always amazing, and you’re helping out local devs in the process!

Jesse Mackenzie is the Managing Editor for, and sadly beardless. He can be reached at

* probably not factual

** okay, everything with these asterisks is a lie


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