Archive News

Live Update #2 — CS:GO, Hearthstone

Good Morning eSports fans! Welcome to day two of BaseLAN where things are about to heat up!

It’s a little after ten and the Counter Strike is about to take off with a very exciting first bracket, we have Park City Wild Cats first up against Ness and Friends. Having a first match myself against Park City yesterday I can only expect this game to be a high intensity match!

We have DBH versus ECLIPS happening — I haven’t had a chance to see what these teams can do yet, so I’ll be sure to jump in and watch. Very excited to see what we’ll see in this first round!

The match I’m most excited to see, though, is Windy Walking Club against DS4. Seeing what Windy Walking Club pulled off yesterday in their utter destruction of Gluten Free, we can only expect another intense match against DS4 as both teams have proven themselves early on!

At the same time we have ‘He’s about 30’ versus PRML and Glockwork battling BlirzDank. CyberRev and have byes.

Be sure to stay tuned here for all that’s happening in CS:GO!

Hearthstone will be in full swing around 11:00 am today with around 30 competitors. I will be participating and letting you know my experiences as I hope I don’t get utterly destroyed like last year! I will say, another player by the name of Draco was kind enough to coach me on strategies and techniques after that loss, so let’s hope that it’s not all for naught!

Until the next update, this is Orion signing off!

Orion, AYB Field Correspondent. A lover of cats, he has a high gluten tolerance and enjoys a firm handshake. Trust us when we say his opinions are his own.

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