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Just Cause 3 Kasabian Drops Trailer Now!

Prepare to be blown away. Square Enix has brought together people of amazing talent to bring you the new Kasabian trailer for Just Cause 3.

Part award winning Japanese CGI Specialist at Visual Works, and part award winning band Kasabian, combined with Avalanche studios sheer talent… prepare to lose your mind at this intense trailer, releasing just in time for the upcoming launch of Just Cause 3. The new Kasabian trailer shows off the high intensity, action packed nonsense that the player will get to experience first hand.

Wow, come on was that not unreal? The destructibility of the world? The freedom to seemingly do anything? Bus on a crane? Come on, this game looks biblical, it looks sick, and the best part is that we don’t have to wait too much longer as Just Cause 3 drops on December 1st, so as I say: “prepare your body.”

Steve Noel is a Senior Editor for, Team lead for Streaming & Video Content & Producer of the Level One Scrubs TalkShow.
When he’s not working behind the desk you’ll find him spending time with his cat “Jeff Bridges”

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