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Good News Everyone! It’s Time for More Futurama

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Futurama and its fans are very VERY lucky. The show has seen itself come back from cancellation twice and now it is about to rise again. Fans have been incredibly supportive of the show in any form they can get it and soon they will get their chance to play instead of watch. Although no release date has been set, Futurama will be coming to mobile platforms next year as a story driven puzzle game known as Futurama: Release the Drones.

As a Futurama fan, I hope that this won’t be a cheap cash grab dressed in some shiny metal facade. From the sounds of the backing, we could actually have a very entertaining and well written game on our hands. German game developer Wooga has been charged with creating the game and they have already gone so far as to collect the talents of writer David Grossman of Monkey Island fame and the former Futurama co-executive producer Patric Verrone, writer of such episodes as “The Problem with Popplers” and everyone’s favorite heartstring puller “The Sting.”

The amount of talent gathered for this project gives me high hopes for this game, and I can’t wait to see what they can achieve on a new platform with such a beloved IP.

Dandr0id is a content writer for and producer for the Level 1 Scrubs podcast. His opinions are his own.

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