Archive Baselan eSports News

From the Prez…..

From The Prez!!!

I want to thank everyone for coming out to BaseLAN 32 this year, it was our largest event to date. Other than a few tiny issues early Friday (which is normally expected) the weekend went amazingly and i hope that you all had a great time. Winnipeg has a very consistent gaming community, for both PC and Console, and it is great to see more and more new people coming out to the events. The more that come, the more the sponsors will back us. I’d also like to thank all the indie alley companies for coming out, i received amazing feedback from the C4 crowd and they want to see more next year if possible. We have some new opportunities coming in 2018 and i think you all will be very happy about them as they will benefit all that attend BaseLAN events. Also a shout out to our amazing staff, some old and some new. A few literally had ‘trial by fire’ this past weekend and all proved their value to the company. Finally, a huge shout out to all tournament winners and raffle draw winners. I am always open to more ideas and concepts to make the event more enjoyable for all so please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly or via fb messages. We take all ideas into account and act upon the feasible ones. We are not a huge company with deep pockets but we always try to do our best with the budget we have.

Reactor303 – Aaron K.

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