Contests News

ESL One Cologne on the Big Screen!

Hello Counter-Strike Fans!!!

Who wants to watch the finals of ESL One Cologne on the big screen courtesy of Cineplex on August 23rd!?


AYBOnline has partnered with Cineplex for this event and will be giving them away next week (August 20th) on our podcast LIVE from RESET Interactive Ultralounge at 7 PM CDT.

I know the eventual “But Dave, I’m working and I can’t watch the podcast” statements will happen so we have you covered on that front. We want you to play some Counter-Strike, with a caviat. Here’s how to qualify if you can’t watch the podcast.

  • Join the AYBOnline Steamgroup if you haven’t already.
  • Play Either Matchmaking or an ESEA/CEVO scrim (whichever you prefer)
  • Since you cannot TAG up in these matches, please change your steam name temporarily to AYBOnline – Username
  • Take a screenshot of the final scorecard, win or lose.
  • Post the screenshot in the forum thread HERE
  • Like Cineplex and Reset Ultralounge on Facebook

AYBOnline staffers will choose 5 submissions to win a pair of tickets to join Matt “GreyFox” Kondracki and Dave “Owned” Alberto at the inaugural CS:GO viewing event at Cineplex Theatres to see who brings home the $100,000 prize, the trophy, and bragging rights for another year.


David Alberto is a Contributing Editor for You can often find him making people cry in Counter-Strike. Roll percentile dice to see if his opinions change, your chances are slim.

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