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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided leaked!!

Looks like Square Enix’s new Deus Ex game may be coming out shortly. In the sequel to the 2011 Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the next installment of the Deus Ex game will see the return of Adam Jensen, supposedly with a brand new look. Adam Jensen will be outfitted with brand new augmentations and shiny new technology. This sequel will be slated to Next Gen systems, including PLaystation 4, Windows PC’s, and Xbox One.

By the looks of the concept art from the alleged leak, from A Russian Web Cache.

Some of these look amazing but who knows if this is a real leak or someone just messing around.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided appears to be a first-person stealth-adventure game with third-person cover elements,and it looks like Jensen will have robust customization options for his weapons.

Square Enix is in the midst of their Three – Day Promotional Twitch Live streams. The game is widely acknowledged as the next installment of Deus Ex. Due to the fact that they did file a Trademark Application for the game’s name,Deus Ex: Human Revolution!

The new issues of Game Informer magazine confirms details on Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, reporting that the game is set two years after the events of Human Revolution. Jensen will be part of an Interpol-backed team that hunts down augmented terrorists. Square Enix tweeted that an official reveal is set for April 8, at 9 a.m. PT.

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