Archive News

Demo Zone: Something For Everyone

At BaseLAN 28 we had a great Demo Zone with many things to do and see. And one particularly special moment that sticks with me.

We like to make sure that everyone has a good time at BaseLAN. There’s always something new and exciting to see and do, from the Oculus Rift to a Racing Simulator. Even if you think you might not be able to take part, we can probably surprise you.


Just take Daryl for example; he came with his son Owen for the day. We met these two back at BaseLAN 27 when they popped in to check out what was going on. They had only come for Comic Con and ended up spending most of the day in our section, trying out the various demos we had on display.


Daryl seemed really interested in the racing sim, however he uses a wheelchair and would require hand controls for the the pedals. He happened to explain to me how the controls work in his own car. He pulls back for gas, and pushes forward for brake. Since we had a joystick here for people to try out Star Citizen, I figured we could probably make it work.


So sure enough, I went about configuring the game to use my Logitech joystick as the gas and brake, setting it up just like his own car. He was pretty excited to be able to give it a shot, and I couldn’t have been happier to make it happen for him.

Here at BaseLAN we’re all about sharing the wonders of the gaming experience. Thanks for coming out guys!

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