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Cineplex Theatres Buys eSports Platform WorldGaming

Big news for eSports in Canada today, as Cineplex has bought an 80% stake in eSports platform WorldGaming.


The service works similarly to the ESEA, in that it organizes free and cash tournaments for players around the world. WorldGaming’s current focus is on console sports games such as the Madden, NBA2k, FIFA, and NHL series, but has been branching into other games like Hearthstone. According to the press release, they plan to hold local and national tournaments in theatres across Canada, with the first beginning in October of this year. The loose structure they’ve announced so far is posted below.

This could mean big things for gamers interested in eSports in Canada, as Cineplex’s 162 theatres across Canada could make it a big draw for casuals and pros alike. No word yet on admission costs for participants or spectators, but WorldGaming currently has Twitch broadcasts for matches. One could reasonably assume that league play and national tournaments would become a staple of Cineplex theatres across Canada if their venture is successful.

  • National Tournaments – quarterly tournaments that begin with online qualifiers, moving to regional rounds in 24+ Cineplex theatres. National tournaments will culminate in one final event broadcasted via satellite across the country with the winner receiving a cash prize;
  • Local Tournaments – single-day regional events featuring new games that will give casual gamers the opportunity to play in Cineplex theatres against other players locally; and
  • League Play – similar to league sports like hockey and soccer, guests and teams can sign-up for a 12-week program featuring one game and play in rounds leading up to a final held locally in each city.

Official Press Release

Matt Kondracki is a Contributing Editor to

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