Archive News

A Scheduled Costume Change; My Weekly Column Is Now Monthly

Hello Super Leafs!

After 16 months of bringing you nearly weekly cosplay and convention culture content, it seems the tides are shifting and pulling me in new directions. With that, you may notice a slight change in the frequency of the content I publish.


I will continue to bring you the same convention summaries and cosplay news as it comes up, however my column will be shifting to focusing on bringing you cosplay-related tutorials on the first Wednesday of every month.

And while you feel you may see less of my written work, you can look forward to seeing my face more often when I join AYBTV Live on Twitch every Thursday at 7 PM CST.


And in case that’s STILL not enough, you can always follow me at the links below for even more random stuff and cosplay project updates.

Thank you all for following along this weekly adventure. This is not goodbye, this is a “Come check out the other crazy stuff I’m doing now on top of some of the stuff you already enjoy!”

J. Tanooki is a Contributor for She has been a lover of cosplay for over 10 years and regularly works on new and exciting cosplay projects. She actively posts about her cosplay plans, progress, and random shenanigans on her Facebook page, Twitter, and Instagram. Her opinion is her own. 

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