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Zero Killed Release Date Change

Thanks to amazing community support, Zero Killed, a multiplayer tactical VR shooter, moves from closed beta to Early Access on Steam and announces a new release date

Big news for those awaiting the launch of Zero Killed. Due to the overwhelmingly strong support the game received during closed beta from the community, as well as gamers’ commitment to helping the developers work on the title further, Ignibit studio has decided to move the Zero Killed launch date forward and make the game available via Steam Early Access first

The Zero Killed closed beta tests showed one thing clearly: the game has huge potential to become one of the best tactical VR shooters out there and has one of the most dedicated communities willing to help the developers make that happen.

That’s why Ignibit studio has decided not only to continue working with gamers on the title, but also to give everybody a chance to try out the game and share their feedback. This means the game will move from closed beta to Steam Early Access on October 3rd this year with the new release date being set for November 30, 2018.

Before Early Access starts, you can still join the closed beta testing HERE and add the game to your Steam Wishlist ( so you don’t miss the news about Early Access starting.

“The feedback we’ve received from gamers during the closed beta tests has been amazing,” says Sebastian “Sunbro” Kropiwnicki, the producer and community manager for Zero Killed. “The players told us what worked well and what needed polishing and we realized that we want to make this game with the community. So, it’s only natural to go for Steam Early Access.”

“We want to get the game in front of as many players as possible before its full release and we think that Early Access is our best way of achieving that. We don’t want to remain in EA forever though, and we’re targeting a release on the November 30, 2018,” says Maksymilian “themorfeus” Michalski, the game’s designer. “We think that’s more than enough time to cross all the t’s and dot all the i’s,” Michalski adds.

About Zero Killed
Zero Killed is a one-of-a-kind mix of Rainbow Six Siege’s tactical gameplay, Counter-Strike’s engaging PvP multiplayer, and SWAT 4’s rich choice of equipment and gadgets. In the game, you take control of one of the Zeros, pros who have abandoned their past and broken all contact with their former employers. These companies hired them to illegally extract the previously unknown superconductive element Petronium from the devastated territory called The Zone.

Zero Killed focuses heavily on team cooperation and communication. Both are key elements required to adapt and respond to the ever-changing situation on a battlefield. The players can choose between 10 different characters, from the heavily armored Big Foot, through the fully loaded with technology A.N.D., to Ox – an ex-navy general with a love for demolition. Each of them has their own loadout, unique gadget, and unique perk, all designed to make sure there’s something setting them apart and special in their own way. To be successful in combat will require foreseeing the opposite team’s next move, planning ahead, thinking tactically, and accurately analyzing the situation on the battlefield before deciding who from your squad should make the next move or what piece of equipment to use.


  • 4 vs. 4 multiplayer gameplay.
  • 10 completely different characters to choose from, all with unique gadgets, equipment, perks, and personalities.
  • 4 game modes:
  • Data Steal
  • 3 unique locations
  • Traverse the world without teleporting, including sprinting, climbing or sliding down a ladder. Our motion sickness free technology will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the game world, without the risk of your enemy teleporting out of nowhere and attacking you from behind.
  • Loads of equipment and gadgets that can be used to gain an advantage over the opposing team. Grenades, mines, sonar, explosives, deployable shields, and more!
  • Real life interactions with the environment and objects. The enemy throws a grenade your way? Throw it back! Your team mate under heavy fire and out of ammo? Toss him your spare magazine. Do all you’d normally do on a regular battlefield.
  • Realistic weapons behavior, including recoil, damage model, and obstacle penetration. All weapons are enhanced with easy to use in VR holographic or laser sights.
  • Destructible environment. Doors blocking your way or your enemy using a wooden cover to hide? Smash them, blow them apart, or crash through them. And don’t forget to duck, cover, and keep moving to avoid getting hit. Just like you would in real life!
  • Tagging system – crucial to victory on the battlefield. Remember that knowing your enemy’s position gives you a big advantage and greatly increases your chance of victory.

More information about the game can be found on the official website (, Steam (, Facebook, and Twitter.