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This Week in Gaming (TWG): Fallout 4, Tomb Raider, and BLOPS III

Where do I start? We’ve had one hell of a week with gaming last week, and now we’re being faced with huge release after huge release. (What a wonderful problem to have!) Assassin’s Creed led the charge with Halo 5 at its coat tails.

Vault 111.

We have some unreal games coming out so prepare your jimmies as they are going to get rustled.

Rise of the Tomb Raider launches on Xbox One exclusively. In this latest addition in the Tomb Raider franchise, Lara Croft takes fans deeper into the world they experienced in the reboot. The player will be pushed to their physical and mental limits as Lara tries to outrun a secret organization trying to kill her, while trying to unravel the mystery of a ancient city. Using her skills acquired through brutal survival, players will experience her awakening in this highly anticipated title.

Not to be outdone, BLOPS III (or as it’s known on paper, Call of Duty: Black Ops III) has actually stormed the world with biblical reviews, praises from reviewers, and oddly enough fans of the old franchise returning to Call of Duty.

In the past, Call of Duty pushed away its original core crowd who loved the rich storytelling of Sierra and early Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Call of Duty went through a weird phase of being strictly multiplayer with minimal campaign or story; however, as the reviews pour in and word of mouth gets out, it seems that Call of Duty has finally reconnected with its original roots. Without giving away the whole farm here, Call of Duty: Black Ops III is said to have one of the richest stories in recent COD history, tying in the other series all into one unreal storyline.

I’m very excited to hear all of this and look forward to getting my hands on a copy soon to see for myself!

Lastly, we have the most anticipated game of 2015 – the game some of us have been waiting years for, others even dreaming of.

The community has been awaiting its release for the greater part of 2015 so without further ado: Sakura Beach 2, follow-up of the hit title Sakura Beach. Adventure again on the beach as Seiji – a young hopeless romantic – on another chaotic holiday with his childhood friends, along with the appearance of another girl (*gasp!*) whose love of space rivals his own. This is sure to be anything but a peaceful venture.

And of course, I would not forget the single, most momentous largest gaming event of the year: Fallout 4 comes out this Tuesday!

The great thing about any Bethesda game that makes it legendary and great for any new fan is you never had to play the previous to play this one. Simply put, there is going to be a lot of new gamers trying out Fallout 4 for the first time and that’s just as exciting as the game coming out.

Best of luck and GG social life. And just to get you hyped even more, here’s the launch trailer.

So if you don’t hear or see from me past this week’s Launch Party for Fallout 4, or this week’s podcast… well, you’ll know where to find me!

Steve Noel is a Senior Editor for, Team lead for Streaming & Video Content & Producer of the Level One Scrubs TalkShow.
When he’s not working behind the desk you’ll find him spending time with his cat “Jeff Bridges”

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