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Thermaltake Reinvents The Thermalpaste Wheel

[Image Rights - Thermaltake]

Earlier this week Thermaltake showed off to the PC enthusiast world a new take on thermal paste technique. Quickly it had us all end the debate of “pea” or “rice” but now question our past methods over this new technique.

With the launch of their new thermal compound TG-30 and TG-50 it comes with a new way to apply thermalpaste with it’s included honeycomb stencil.

It’s like paint by numbers with thermalpaste, but all the numbers and colours are the same, and it’s actually just thermalpaste.

How it works is simple, you place the new compound onto the stencil and use the included small spreader/spatula to spread the compound.

Just like that you have an evenly placed and spread compound!

Keep your eyes out at your local retailler for this new way to keep your processor cool!

Steve Orillion is a contributing editor for He follows the happenings in the Esports and Tech world.