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The Weekly Nerd – 10

Gotta get your fix on Friday! Ladies and gents, let’s dive right in!


Sharknado 3

In awesome news…. Sharknado 3 has a release date! July 22nd. We all know you secretly (or proudly) watched the first two, now bask in the glory of the third… incoming SHARK-icane!

Transporter: Refueled

Looks like they decided against rebooting the franchise and are just going to “James Bond” in a new Frank. I’m okay with this. I liked Ed Skrein in GoT and the trailer looks like it will provide the type of action and story we’ve come to expect from the series. I’ll probably head to this one on a Tuesday, but I’ll go see it.


The first trailer for this continuation/spinoff of the Rocky franchise delivers a lot of introspective into the development of the young Creed. Michael B. Jordan looks good in the trailer and we know that he does have some dramatic skills from his role in Friday Night Lights. Fantastic Four (out later this year) will give us an introduction on how he handles the action. I’m not sure based on the trailer how much of a role Rocky (Stallone) actually plays in the film. It was touted that he would play a “Mickey”-type role, inspiring and coaching the young man. Time will tell.

I am Chris Farley

This was released earlier this week. This isn’t a “life of” movie. This is a documentary about a man that touched a lot of lives. His co-stars provide insight into Chris as a person and an actor. For any fan of him, it will be a must-watch.

On to News…

There was a lot of tidbits of information this week released about the Marvel Cinematic Universe. During a round of press that is being done for Ant-Man, we have learned a few things with relationships to the grander scheme of the MCU in regards to multiple characters. Here’s what we know:

  • The Spider-Man movie will likely be inspired by the original comic books. Kevin Feige is quoted as saying: “Up until this point in the other Spidey films, he was the only hero, and now he’s not. Now he’s a kid in Queens with these powers and has other [superheroes] to look to. Does he want to be like these other characters? Does he want nothing to do with these other characters? How does that impact his experience, being this grounded but super-powerful hero?” 
  • Spider-Man Villains will not play a major role in the MCU (at least for now)
  • Ant-Man director Peyton Reed had input and feedback in Scott Lang / Ant-Man’s appearance in Captain America: Civil War. “I had the Russo brothers, who are directing Captain America: Civil War, brought into the cutting room. So, I show them a bunch of footage from Ant-Man because they were gonna be working with Paul. I felt very protective about the character. I was like, ‘No, he wouldn’t say that, he would say this!’ It was great. It was a great back and forth.” 
  • Black Panther’s appearance in Captain America: Civil War will be directly tied in to the Vibranium mentioned in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Looks like the hidden country that Black Panther protects will be stepping forward to become a part of the world, and the movie will depict how the beginnings of that might look.
  • Season 2 of Marvel’s Agents of Shield will be centered around the Secret Warriors. We can assume that this will be centered around Skye/Daisy and possibly Deathlok. I will cover more about this shortly before the season begins on The Weekly Watch.

That was… a mouthful. Now we get some DC news: Entertainment Weekly published a spread of images for the upcoming Batman v Superman film (pictured below). We are still awaiting a full trailer for this, which I expect will be released during their panel at San Diego Comic-Con, though I’ll take the images to sate my interest. I also fully expect something from Suicide Squad. I personally enjoy the dark aspects that DC is using within their Cinematic Universe and I am excited to see where they will take it.

A 4 part comic miniseries titled Star Wars: Shattered Empire will be released this fall, taking place directly after Return of the Jedi, it will be the first canon piece to continue the story directly from where it left off. The writers for the series (Greg Rucka and Marco Checchetto) have released a synopsis, and a piece of variant cover art for the first issue. Here is what they said on the piece:

  • “Emperor Palpatine’s twenty-year reign of terror came to an abrupt and fiery end in the skies above the forest moon of Endor. A decisive victory for the Rebel Alliance, to be sure, but even with the loss of its leadership, the Empire’s Moffs and regional governors retained their hold on important systems from the Core to the Outer Rim, thanks to the might of the Imperial Starfleet. Now, with a power vacuum atop the Empire, those Moffs will jockey for position and control, and the heroes of the Rebel Alliance will soon discover that a wounded and fractious Empire may be more dangerous than any threat they faced before!”


Cover Art

Ghostbusters director Paul Feig released this photo on his Instagram account on Tuesday. If they’re going to catch ghosts… I guess that might do.


The first photo of Ash Vs the Evil Dead has been released on Entertainment Weekly, in the article, Campbell speaks to his role in the series as being more John Wayne-esque. Click on the link to read the entire thing, or… just look at the picture and drool.


Deadpool? Deadpool. EW managed to snag an interview with Ryan Reynolds and Simon Kinberg on the movie, his guarantee that it will be a hard R rating and apparently that Ryan Reynolds would like to kiss the person that leaked the test footage back in 2011.

  • “And not just a little kiss,” he purrs, “but full on the mouth, sloppy, with tongue, for two straight minutes on live television, without commercial interruption. And then I’ll buy you dinner at Red Lobster, at least, and dessert.”



Lastly, in random movie sequel news… Did you know they are working on a Top Gun 2? Yeah, you heard that right. They are working on an evolved story revolving around next-generation aircraft, drone tech, and somehow Maverick is still relevant to the story. They have also stated that Tom Cruise will return to fill the role. Skydance Productions CEO David Ellison was quoted as saying: “There is no ‘Top Gun’ without Maverick, and it is going to be Maverick playing Maverick.” Top Gun was one of my favorite movies growing up, hell I even own the DVD. You bet your wings I’ll be at this thing.

One last piece of awesome for Winnipeggers: the Lego store opened it’s doors at Polo Park TODAY. Head over to Polo Park’s Facebook Page to see the pics and details!

David Alberto is a Contributing Editor for You can often find him making people cry in Counter-Strike. Roll percentile dice to see if his opinions change, your chances are slim.

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