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On Sept 25, You Will Die… In the Conjuring House

He’s following you. It is dark. Your flashlight sputtered out just moments before and you scramble to replace the batteries. The light flickers back on. Down the corridor, you see him move.

Click. You turn off your flashlight. If you can’t see it, it can’t see you. You quickly flick on your flashlight and see it moving toward you, a blur as you duck into another darkened room.
He can see you with the light on, but you can’t see without it.

Click. Off goes the flashlight. Silence. You try to sneak down the corridor, but in the dark, you crash into an overturned table. He hears you. You need light.

Click. He is close. Too close.

Click. Darkness. He can’t see you, but he can hear you. All you need to do is get to safety. You will survive this.

Click. It is too late. He has found you. You are dead.

RYM Games announced today that The Conjuring House , its psychologically-driven horror title, will be arriving on Steam September 25. With twisted horrors from the occult that creep and stalk, The Conjuring House puts players in a constant state of anxiety that crescendos into raw panic and terror. Players take the role of a lone survivor from a group of investigators sent to the house to research the sickening death of its owner, whose body mysteriously decomposed in less than a day. As players search through the house trying to unravel the truth of what happened, they soon realize they only have one goal – to survive.

In The Conjuring House, players are sent to the Atkinson House to investigate unusual happenings surrounding the death of the owner. Upon entering, players discover that they are unable to leave and are haunted by an incessant demonic woman who stalks them with murderous intent. Artifacts of the occult must be destroyed in order to survive. Players must be vigilant with every move, twist and turn, as the woman, and countless other creates lurk. The Conjuring House is filled with anxiety, panic, and real consequences that scar the mind.

The Conjuring House will be available on Steam September 25. For more information and the latest updates, head over to the Steam page, like us on Facebook , follow us on Twitter , subscribe to us on YouTube , and check out the Rym Games website .