I first read about this on April 1st and chalked it up to be a lame joke. I really didn’t give it much thought, but now I see that IGN is reporting on it. It’s actually true, for the first time in the series’ history, Mario Kart 8 is getting a 200cc mode.

Traditionally we stick to PC games here at AYBonline, however we’ve always had ties with console games at Baselan as well. So since I’m the resident racing game fanatic, I felt you should all hear the news.
Also, Mario Kart is awesome.
The new mode will be released for free along side the next paid DLC pack on April 23rd, and Nintendo has said that all of the tracks in the game will support the faster speed. By the looks of this video that IGN has put together, 200cc is going to be bananas!
I bought a Wii U for Mario Kart and this just made my choice so much better!
We’d love to hear what you guys think about it. Let us know in the comments below or on our Facebook page AYBOnline or on our twitter page @AYBOnline
Source: IGN