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It’s Almost Time for Victory At Sea Pacific to Start its Maiden Voyage.

Evil Twin Artworks confirms the release date, price and launch discount for their new RTS

September, 2018 – ‘Evil Twin Artworks’, the award winning indie team behind, ‘Victory At Sea’ can confirm their upcoming Open World RTS, Victory At Sea Pacific, will launch on the 14th of September. Priced at $39.99 USD, the game will launch with a 10% discount for one week.

“The scariest part of the launch is hoping people will like it,” said James Carroll, Director at Evil Twin Artworks. “You spend so long making a game, you lose track as to whether it’s any good or not! Thankfully the early feedback from press and YouTubers is overwhelming positive, they seem to get how big the game really is. ”

Based on the tabeltop game by Mongoose Publishing, Victory At Sea Pacific brings an epic approach to real time strategy war gaming, players develop their own story within a vast, open world, sandbox in a desperate attempt to win World War 2.

The new Steam page for Victory At Sea Pacific can be found here –

Evil Twin Artworks have started streaming live gameplay sessions on Twitch. Tune in to the official stream here –

About Victory At Sea Pacific:
Victory at Sea Pacific sees you engage in tactical search and destroy naval warfare across WWII’s Pacific ocean in this huge open world Real Time Strategy.
From commanding the entire Pacific Theatre to zooming in to take control of individual planes and ships, Victory at Sea Pacific puts the player in the heart of one of the most desperate campaigns of the Second World War.
In Victory at Sea Pacific you can covertly recon enemy positions and launch large-scale amphibious assaults by sea and air against the chosen targets.
Victory at Sea Pacific features

  • Search and destroy enemy fleets across the entire Pacific Ocean
  • Effortlessly switch between commanding the entire Pacific theatre and controlling the fate of individual vessels and planes
  • Harass shipping and starve ports of vital supplies
  • Hunt down and sink enemy patrols and weaken their defences
  • Organise large scale amphibious assaults on major ports
  • Control unique vessels such as the huge I-400 submarine aircraft carrier
  • Pausable gameplay allows you to order fleets and then continue the action
  • Play as Axis or Allied fleets. (Axis Campaign coming soon)

Victory At Sea Pacific Official Website is here –