
Interview with 3D Realms VP Frederik Schreiber – PAX Prime 2015

One of the best experiences I had at PAX Prime 2015 was interviewing various developers, and discussing their games and companies in-depth. One of the first interviews I conducted was with 3D Realms VP, Fred Schreiber. It was humbling hearing him speak from the heart about how much he loves the classic 3D Realms Shareware games.

Before the interview, he told me a story about how one of the first things he did once he had the Internet was get in touch with fans and team members at 3D Realms to talk about their games. He mentioned that the team actually sent him a birthday gift. He told me how strange it was to receive a package from Texas while living in Denmark, not yet realizing who the package was from. He also mentioned how surreal it was to go from being fans of 3D Realms, to producing the Rise of the Triad reboot, and then eventually signing the papers to acquire the company that made him who he was.

Without further adieu, here’s the interview:

At the tinyBuild Party Hard Release Party, We were also fortunate enough to get a sneak peak at one of the new weapons, and the first boss intro cutscene of Bombshell. The weapons in this game are absolutely crazy. Anything that resembles a mix between Turok 2 and Diablo 2 is awesome in my books, and I’m looking forward to killing evil aliens in tons of creative ways. Check it out here:

Bombshell is published and developed by 3D Realms, and is due to hit the shelves sometime in 2015.

Jake Carewick is a Contributing Editor to

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