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I Suppose This New Overwatch Comic Will Tide Me Over Until May…

If you’re someone like me anxiously anticipating Overwatch’s release but is lying on the floor in a sad heap because she missed the closed beta doesn’t mind a little somethin’-somethin’ from Blizzard to tide you over, you’ll be excited to know that you can get your fix sooner than later!

Blizzard writer Robert Brooks has released a digital comic — and it features McCree, the train-hopping, sharp-shooting badass of Overwatch.


I only say “train hopping” as the comic is entitled Overwatch: McCree: Train Hopper. Featuring slick art by Bengal, fans can hope there can be more comics to be released featuring other characters as launch day draws nearer. I know I’m excited.

Overwatch is set to release on May 24th — so close and yet so far.

Kate Rhiannon is a Contributing Editor-at-Large and Graphics Artist for, and a producer for the Level 1 Scrubs podcast. Her opinions are her own. Feel free to follow her on Twitter and Facebook, where she posts updates about her creative projects!

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