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Gee-whiz Mister, Traffic Cop VR is Available Now!

Take on the mean streets of the 1950s on your HTC Vive

May 29th – Brian Bobik in collaboration with Waden Kane Game Studios have announced that their comical look at a day in the life of a 1950s traffic cop is now available. Traffic Cop puts you right in the middle of the action at the city’s busiest intersection your first day on the job.

As a rookie cop you’ll have to make smart decisions to keep traffic moving and anticipate speedsters that may try and thwart your strategically thought out flow of traffic. With drivers, there also comes road rage and they’re taking it out by throwing food at your perfectly pressed uniform, the nerve! Dodge, duck or catch the food and show those road ragers who rules the streets by tossing it back at them for points (or eat them for a delicious snack)!

The fun doesn’t stop with chucking food at angry drivers and moving traffic with the best of strategies, unlock bonus mini-games to protect the town and your uniform from some out of this world (literally in one case) adversaries.

Bring order to the chaos when a giant bird infestation soars in, that can only be stopped by you and your slingshot. Zap down aliens during an alien invasion with your ray gun, and protect not only citizens from some hot-rod driving hooligans but also your uniform, those devil-may-care greasers are out to stain it!

Traffic Cop is available now for $19.99 for HTC Vive on Steam

Ports for the Oculus, Windows mixed reality, and PlayStation VR are coming soon.

Key Features

  • Direct traffic in the city’s busiest intersection efficiently to keep cars moving.
  • Take strategic action when cars move at different speeds to avoid collisions and minimize delays.
  • Survive unpredictable drivers as they ignore the rules of the road and blow through intersections.
  • Duck and dodge oncoming food thrown by raging roadsters or catch it and throw it back!
  • Unlock mini-games and protect the citizens from an alien attack, giant bird infestation or uniform staining hooligans Oh the humanity!
  • Wield your trusty ray gun, or take aim with the slingshot.

About Traffic Cop VR

Traffic Cop is the collaboration between Brian Bobik and Waden Kane Game Studios. The creative concept behind Traffic Cop was the idea of Bobik. Bringing the project to life is the Arizona based, Waden Kane Game Studios, whose other titles include Turtle Boarden and Pie Smash.