Archive News

DauphinLAN 2 – Ultimate Gamer Showdown 2 – Come and Gone


Well, another DauphinLAN comes and goes and this year it was an amazing success. We want to thank the Dauphin Business and Career Expo, hosted by Dauphin Kinsman, for having a wonderful event and putting up with us for another year.

The event itself drew just over 20 PC players and quite a few console gamers which is a definite increase from last years 1 PC gamer (and 5 from Winnipeg); which goes to show that as you advertise more and get the word out, more will come. We met some great PC players from Yorkton as well as an amazing group of guys who own ‘Go Beyond Games’, one of the first board/video game stores in Dauphin (who also sell a ton of collectibles).

Once again our Oculus Rift demo just dominated the weekend. Over 400 people tried it out and it blew their minds, everything from roller coasters to VRKarts to the Insurgent demo. We also showed off the AntLion Modmic and some custom controllers from

A huge shout out to the AYB staffers that came to the event as well as Westman Communications for providing the super solid (and fast) internet connection for the event. We surprisingly pulled down over 300 gigs throughout the weekend. All in all a fabulous weekend with a lot of new gamers and friends. Our goal next year is to plan for 40 PC spots and the event will be prized by sponsors. This means we are going to have some great tournaments.

If you would like to see all the images from the weekend, please click HERE.





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