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Chaos Reigns in 2D Platformer vridniX

Coming to Steam on August 16th

August 8th, 2018 — An elaborate plan by publisher Deck13 and developer Uncanaut to announce a new game today has been all but sidetracked! Hard at work, they were hit by some weird three legged creature calling himself vridniX and claiming to be a hero! What sorcery is this!?

Instead of the originally planned announcement, we now follow the advice of the strange orange creature to report that vridniX, a speedy and chaotic 2D platformer will hit Steam on August 16th! Bringing a generous helping of salt and madness to Steam (He also forced us to mention something about a Neta-Vark? Some sort of place where the Wamnis live?), vridniX will challenge all comers.

Key Features

  • Never stop running!
  • Make the levels rotate!
  • Survive in 6 strange worlds and over 100 frantic levels!
  • Meet many twisted characters in hilarious cutscenes!
  • Fight epic bosses, but you can’t attack!
  • 8+ hours of gameplay!
  • Destroy everything you love!
  • Face the salt!


About vridniX

Welcome to the epic tale of a selfish brat — vridniX is a ‘hero’ who can’t stop running! He bounces against walls, hangs from the ceiling with his massive tongue, he can do backflips in mid-air and above all… he has the unique ability to rotate levels by picking up special orbs! Unfortunately, by using his ability, vridniX will eventually destroy all the places he passes through. Play as the evil hero — and ragequit in over 100 frantic levels because vridniX is a true challenge.

About Deck13

Founded in 2001, Deck13 Interactive is a leading German game developer and publisher with more than 60 employees across its Frankfurt and Hamburg studios. The company has developed more than 20 titles — including major releases such as Lords of the Fallen. In 2014, the Deck13 Games label was created to help independent developers bring their projects to wider audiences. Deck13 Games aids developers in production, localization, quality assurance, public relations, and distribution. So far, the company has helped bring more than 10 titles to market. To learn more, please visit