Archive News

Baselan 27 – Winners and Pictures

Well, that was quite an event, we want to thank everyone who attended the event itself, you are the ones that make these things happen.

We are super happy at how well the event went this past weekend. Thank you to everyone who attended and to all the sponsors who covered the prizing for the tournaments. Thanks to MTS (Manitoba Telecom Services) for the solid internet connection, it was the fastest any LAN in Canada has had to date. Thanks to On-Call Solutions for the solid network, almost no hiccups except for the QOS problem which was resolved very quickly, and thanks to Blizzard for releasing a patch during the SC2 tournament!

Huge shout out to our demo team who blew the C4 attendees away, so many people have never seen the Oculus multiple screen gaming, Leap Motion and the other really cool demos that we were running. The demo area generated so much hype, at one point the waiting time for the Oculus V2 was over 100 minutes.

Thanks to EDGE (pre Oregon Aero), who upgraded peoples headsets on the spot for more comfort, you guy were amazing and we are glad that the attendees were excited to check out what you guys do!

Big shout out to ASUS North America who donated some really great high end 4k monitors and computer systems for us to use in the demo area including the R290 video cards for our own machines. Also thanks to ZOTAC for their donations of some great Nvidia cards for the other demo machines, which kept the masses busy.

Thanks to Killscreen Gaming Network for their great stream/cast of the tournaments and of the event itself, we are excited to see a lot of the video that will be coming out after the event.

Kilma Tempa, it is always great that you come and show off your music and skills to the attendees on opening day! We love you so much and cannot wait to see you spin again soon! You can follow her and her epic DJing skills HERE

Congrats to all the winners of the events, you played so hard and you took home some great prizes… we hope that you will all return for Baselan 28 to retain your titles.

And finally a huge thank you to all that attended the event, you have helped us push up to the next level. This was a very big risk for AYBOnline and you helped show that we can compete at the national level with the other events around the world. Because of this, we have been brought to the attention of said organizations and will be working with them to push our event even higher up the chain. The more events you come to, the more people you get to come with you, the larger the event will be and the more backing we will get. So again, thanks to all of YOU.

Want some numbers? Our PC area of 230 was sold out completely, only 3 people did not actually attend. We had over 13,000 people in our room over the entire weekend. We had over 500 people enter the X-Rocker contest. We gave away over $28,000 in prizes and random handouts. We drank over 900 Rockstar Energy Canada products.

Thanks again, and see you at Baselan 28 in May.

Images of the event

Please click HERE to visit our flickr gallery.

Tournament Winners

Event: CS:GO

  • 1. Cyber Rev
  • 2. Almost Dead
  • 3.

Event: DOTA 2

  • 1. – Shake it Off
  • 2. – The Big Hitters
  • 3. – Mang Kanor

Event: DOTA 2 Ability Draft

  • 1. – WASD
  • 2. – WPG
  • 3. – Team Nuke

Event: Ultimate Street Fighter 4

  • 1. Jericho
  • 2 .Robin
  • 3. Sandeep
  • 4. Jared

Event: Super Smash Brothers Melee

  • 1. John
  • 2. Alan
  • 3. Joshua
  • 4. Tyler M

Event: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

  • 1. Erick
  • 2 .Sandeep
  • 3. Matty J
  • 4. Jeff

Event: BlazBlue

  • 1. Branden
  • 2. Jason
  • 3. Stu
  • 4. Keifer

Event: Persona 4 Arena Remix

  • 1. Branden
  • 2. Stu
  • 3. Keifer
  • 4. Marcus

Event: Soul Calibur 5

  • 1. Jason
  • 2. Tyler
  • 3. Steffan
  • 4. Branden

Event: Be Quiet! League of Legends

  • 1. Warband Mercs
  • 2. Lineage Esports
  • 3. Pretty Okay Guys

Event: Casual LoL (ARAM)

  • 1. Lineage Esports Academy

Event: Unreal Tournament UT2K4

  • 1. The Baby1423
  • 2. TuRmz
  • 3. fpsrandy

Event: WarHammer 40K Twin Eagles

  • Best Overall – Team Awesome Sauce
  • Players Choice – Sid Sector
  • Best Opponent – Team Cougar Thunder Falcon Bird

Event: Loadout!

  • 1. Linage Esports
  • 2. Brockavich’s team
  • 3. Stamp’s team

Event: TrackMania

  • 1. Cam Tetreault
  • 2. Marc Harms
  • 3. Nick Purdy