Archive News

Baselan 27 & – UT2K4 Tournament Keys Now Available


Our good friends over at have sent over their UT2K4 Editors Choice Edition keys for the UT2K4 tournament. If you are attending Baselan and are wanting to compete in UT2K4 then please reach out to us via AYBOnline Keys to request your free key. Please make sure that you 1) email from the address you registered for lanHUB with and 2) specify your user name that you registered in lanHUB. This is simply for verification that you are coming to the event and paid for as we only have a limited number of keys for the event.

When you are emailed your key, there will be specific registery intructions included so that the game works properly on lan. Make sure you follow them so the game works properly. Some attendees may have already claimed UT2K4 keys from a previous Baselan event where GOG sponsored; please make sure that you double check your profile as you cannot redeem a second code on the same account that already has one. All keys will be given on a first come first served basis and when they are gone, they are gone.