
AYB Interviews Corey King On Clandestine: Anomaly


I remember it as if it was yesterday. Four wild and long years ago, I found myself sitting in one of the auditoriums at Red River College for an International Game Developers Association event. Jake had convinced me to come out to check out the local scene and be inspired by the work being done here. He convinced me it would be a great way to get started in video game journalism, so I obliged and went.

It was this fateful night that I met Corey King. Needless to say, our first interaction was not only legendary, but unforgettable.




He was there that night as well, checking out the local scene and asking questions. Little did I know at the time, he was on the cusp of something revolutionary. I’ll never forget what he said.

Corey and one of the other developers had gotten into talks about CMF funding. When the developer asked what he was working on, Corey answered:

“You’ll need to sign an NDA.”

That’s when I knew he was serious.

Four years later, a ‘failed’-yet-successful Kickstarter, Comic-Con appearances, traveling worldwide and IGDA meetings… Corey and the team over at ZenFri Inc. have brought to the world the latest and greatest in AR gaming. Clandestine Anomaly is truly revolutionary. Balancing AR with GPS tracking was no easy task, but ZenFri did it. Corey has been invited to speak around the world about the AR innovations that the team at ZenFri have implemented — even as far as Barcelona, Spain.

Big thanks to Corey to take the time to do an interview with us and filling in all the gaps.

Also, I just want to take this time to congratulate Corey and team for a job well done, and say as a fellow Winnipegger and gamer how proud I am to see this project grow. Being able to touch base with Corey and see how this has all progressed has been truly inspiring, it shows that Winnipeg is the place to make games. I look forward to giving a comprehensive review once the game drops on Android.

Orion, Contributing Editor and Field Correspondent for A lover of cats, buttons, and firm handshakes, his opinions are his own.

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