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A Very Spoiler-Free Batman v. Superman Trailer

Tired of Warner Bros. letting the cat out of the bag, but still need your grim dark DC movie fix? I’m here to help.


By now you’ve probably heard that Zack Snyder’s new Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer is way more spoilery than anything you’ll see in Star Wars ads. Unfortunately, I found out what those spoilers were through Twitter so I couldn’t help myself and watched it. I can’t unsee what I’ve seen.

My loss is your gain, because I can safely say that this “fixed” trailer cuts out everything that’ll spoil this movie. Not just spoiler-free, mind you, but arguably better edited too, as it’s much less abrupt than the original. It even comes in a full 40 seconds shorter than the original because of the cuts.

So without further adieu, here is your spoiler-free Batman v. Superman trailer. You’re welcome.

Matt Kondracki is Senior News Editor for He’s a fan of the arts and wishes the Warner Bros. marketing team would get their shit together with this movie already.

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