Archive News

AYB Tours Wonderland Festival

AYB Online held a small demo booth at the WonderLand Anime festival this weekend. Saturday was filled with attendees marveling at the wonders of the Oculus Rift, and competing in a number of console fighting game tournaments held by ChipDamage and Winnipeg Smash Brothers.

There were a number of other local groups in attendance at Wonderland this year with events and tables of their own:

A consistent draw of C4 event goers is Artist alley, the event was no different. This year, a room filled with a plethora of local and visiting artists was packed with attendees looking to add to their collections. Justin Currie of chasing artwork was in attendance selling his self published children’s book “Cassie and Tonk”

We have a video here, showing the Festival and all of the wonderful things that it holds. Bear with me though, I’m just starting to get the hang of the whole “videographer” thing.


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