
Lord of Your Own Domain: Axes and Acres

Looking for a good deck builder strategy game? Don’t have the time for a long game? Look no further than Axes and Acres! Developed by BrainGoodGames and releasing April 7th, Axes and Acres promises a deep single-player strategy experience in under an hour, so you can get your gaming done in a comfortable lunch break. The game makes you the lord of a decently sized but fertile plot of land, then charges you with the task of managing your peasant subjects as they build, farm and thrive on your land. Use the card system to influence them to build, work, reproduce and ultimately create a thriving (and very lucrative) village.

The gameplay reminds me a great deal of the card game Dominion, where card combinations, playing around with the game mechanics and trying different strategies make the game very replayable. I suspect this game will have the same longevity for similar reasons. If you’d like to give Axes and Acres a look you can find a trailer below.
If you’d like more information you can find it on Steam where it will release for PC and Mac April 7th.

Gavin Bouchard is a Twitch streamer and a Contributor for; you can find his Twitch here and his terrible Twitter here.

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