
20th Anniversary of Pokémon Special: Ready to get Mythical?

Having trouble completing your Pokédex because you’re missing one of those pesky event Pokémon? Well, I have your solution!

This year, with it being the 20th Anniversary of our beloved Monster Taming and Catching simulator, GameFreak have stepped their games up, and will be releasing one Mythical Level Pokémon card every month until December this year in celebration. That’s right, you can finally get a legit Arceus and use it in a tournament without fear of being banned!

Ready to Catch'em All?
Ready to Catch’em All?

Every Mythical Pokémon that is being released this year will be level 100, and come in an event Pokéball. How you get them will be all determined on the ‘Mon itself, as some will be available in-store, or otherwise online. That said, they won’t be releasing EVERY Mythical there is, as there are only 11 months they they are planning giveaways on. A shame, but the ones they are giving away are more than awesome and cover the first 5 generations of the series.

With Mew being out of circulation and Celebi enjoying its collection this month, the rest of the line up looks like this: Jirachi (April), Darkrai (May), Manaphy (June), Shaymin (July), Acreus (August), Victini (September), Keldeo (October), Genesect (November), and finally Meloetta (December). You can only collect them in the first 24 days of each month, so be sure to spring into action quickly to snag them! If you need any more information on how to get them, click their names, and you’ll get the low-down on their move sets, and how to add them to your collection!

That and alongside their release, each of the aforementioned Pokémon will also be getting a plush, 2″ figure, and a set of the Pokémon Trading Card game based around that month’s selection. So there is more to collect than just what the games have in store!

Another thing to add to my collection!
Another thing to add to my collection!

So go forth my fellow Pokémon Trainers, and Catch’em All!

Quinn Smith is a Contributor for AYBOnline. When he isn’t dreaming, he’s off trying to finish his Pokédex. His Opinions are his own.

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